Band of Helping Hands
3831 Decoursey Ave, Covington, KY 41015 | (859) 760-3025 |

“Groovy” is a word you just don’t get a chance to use very often in daily life, but it’s one we can’t help but think of when we see the fantastic setup they have over at the Band of Helping Hands.
A classic concert venue in Covington, the Band of Helping Hands is an intimate location, letting you feel like you’re hanging out in someone’s living room listening to the cool new band that only the hippest people have heard about. The VR tour is great, because you can get a feel for the view you’d have from each seat, and click a link to pick up your tickets right there!
While perusing around the venue, make sure you take the time to check out the funky decor they have throughout the place. There’s some extraordinary kitsch on the walls, as well as cool art, and news clippings and photos of acts that have played there in the past. But our favorite bit of decoration is the Statler and Waldorf (of the Muppets fame) found above the stage. It’s worth noting, they’re facing the audience and not the band, so we can’t help the think they’re there to heckle you, not the folks playing music, so you’d better behave!
Tip: This isn't just any video! Press play and then click the screen at any time to stop and look around. On a mobile device, click this icon to use your device as a 3D viewer. Simply move your phone up or down, left or right, and you'll feel like you are really there.