Native Brand Clothing
1 Levee Way, Newport, KY 41071 | (513) 849-8500 |

Native Brand Clothing is a hip and fashionable clothing line from Cincinnati, Ohio, started when founder Jay Banks began selling handmade shirts at local Reds games. Check out their storefront that’s been integrated to a VR tour for a unique online selling experience. You can click on the action points to be taking to the online store to purchase the items you see, like the “Cincinnati Harambe’s” t-shirt. Click on the TV to see a video from their 2013 “Touch Me Tees” fashion show. Clicking on the stereo lets you listen to the livestream of local Q102 radio station, whose t-shirts Native Brand has helped design.
Tip: This isn't just any video! Press play and then click the screen at any time to stop and look around. On a mobile device, click this icon to use your device as a 3D viewer. Simply move your phone up or down, left or right, and you'll feel like you are really there.